For other versions, see Mr. Jones (disambiguation).

Skip Jones is the husband of Peggy, and the father of Fred.

Physical appearance[]

Even considering familial similarity, Skip Jones bears an uncanny resemblance to a middle-aged, heavier version of Fred. He has blond hair, a large build, and almost precisely the same facial features, although his hair is beginning to recede.


Skip is affable, yet slightly absent-minded. He seems extremely close to Fred; they have a warm yet elaborate "high five" greeting ritual, more in the vein of two frat brothers greeting each other (than a father and son), and very devoted to his wife, Peggy. He is extremely easy-going, but appears to have a short attention span.

Some time later, Fred mentioned that the "dictator King Arthur'"s authoritarian attitudes reminded him of Skip, suggesting that father and son eventually fought for some reason.[1]


Scooby-Doo! Pirates Ahoy![]

For Fred's birthday, Skip and Peggy invite him and his friends on a cruise ship sailing towards the Bermuda Triangle in the Caribbean Sea. They are their at the port to welcome their son and friends right before they get on the ship.

The night after the ship sets sail, the Ship's captain, Captain Crothers, is seemingly abducted by an alien. When it’s revealed that the alien is actually the captain in disguise, Skip and Peggy reveal that it is actual a mystery pleasure cruise, which they arranged for since they know about the kids' mystery solving activities.

The next day, Skip and the gang witnesses the rescue of Dr. Rupert Garcia. When it appears Rupert is delusional after rambling about being atotacked by a crew of Ghost Pirates, Skip and Peggy escort him to the infirmary.

Later that night they attend the ship's costume party, with Skip wearing Rupert's clothes as his costume. When Mr. Mysterio comes on stage, he watches his act as he attempts to hypnotize Shaggy and Scooby. Later, Skip with Fred, Rupert, Daphne, and Velma go to check out some mysterious fog off in the distance of the distance.

After the show ends, the ship is attacked by Captain Skunkbeard and his crew. After escaping the dance room, Skip escapes with Peggy and Fred onto the side of the ship. While running away however, they are confronted by one of the crew who attacks them. Though Fred defeats the ghost pirate, Skip was mistaken for Garcia due to his costume and was kidnapped along with Peggy by two pirates, who take them by surprise after emerging from a side door.

The Pirates run back to their ship with Fred's parents as their prisoners. Fred attempts to rescue them before the Pirates can make it back onto their ship, but fails miserably however. The crew need both Garcia and the map to find the Heaven's Light, a meteorite of mystic power which fell into the triangle ages ago and could be pinpointed by using Garcia's map.

Skip was eventually rescued by the gang, and after a chase, the pirates were finally defeated.

It was revealed that Captain Skunkbeard was Biff Wellington, and Mr. Mysterio hypnotized Peggy along with all the other people on the ship, along with Rupert's crew, into becoming part of Skunkbeard's crew. She was hypnotized into becoming Sea Salt Sally. Mr. Mysterio eventually released his spell on the hypnotized Peggy just as she is about to make Skip walk the plank. When she comes to, she attempts to save Skip from falling, but they both end up falling and holding onto the plank. Thankfully however, Scooby and Velma manage to rescue them by using two miniature drone airplanes.

Skip and Peggy were last seen celebrating alongside the rescued crew aboard the pirate ship the next morning.

Scooby-Doo! The Sword and the Scoob[]

Apparently, Fred and his father grew apart, as Fred mentioned that authoritarian dictators reminded him of his father when he and the gang ended up in "Camelot".



