
This page is the starting point for all editors of this Wikia. It lists some of the pages you might like to use as you contribute here.

Please put this page on your watch list, even if you do not contribute straight away.

  • To follow the changes to this wiki, and to look out for new events and problem edits, use recent changes.
  • If you want to discuss anything about an article, you can use the talk pages.
  • For more general discussion, use the forum.
  • If you need help editing, you could start with the tutorial on the Central Wikia.
  • There are also more help pages in the help category.

Use the above to get you started. Keep an eye on the content added to this , add input/insight.

Help Needed[]

There had been a slow start to the Scoobypedia some time ago which fizzled, it has been revived and is coming along, but it still needs a lot of work...

Where? What? When? Why? Who and How?

  • Category:To do: - takes you to a full list of categories that link to a list of pages needing help
  • Red links: Can be found via the side bar navigation too, <special pages> see wanted pages, and many other useful things
  • Casual users and Regulars: Spend as much time as you wish to help Scoobypedia attain the high standard it deserves.
  • Grammar and spelling may be needed on a lot of the stubs and small pages.
there will be a template and probably category added to help find the pages that need bring up to wiki standard
  • Experts and beginners: Both can easily find something to do here; what ever your talents, it will be appreciated.
Know any reliable editors, fans of the Scoob? Let them know we want their help.
  • Special Talents: Everyone can add there own creative ideas - ideally in a forum or community discussion first.