
The man with the monkey is a ventriloquist, participating in Baz Bozzington's competition.

Physical appearance[]

The man with the monkey is a thin and young man with auburn hair and black eyes. He wears a white collared shirt and a yellow bow tie underneath a brown suit with a red flower pinned to its left lapel. He wears a brown pair of pants and a pair of black shoes. While onstage is seen holding an orange, potbellied monkey with abnormally broad arms wearing a white diaper. After his performance went wrong, his clothes were torn and his hair was rugged.


The man is presented as very aloof and incompetent as a ventriloquist and performer. While he appears and acts very affable, he is not a very confident performer as he questions his own abilities onstage, though it is unclear whether these were simply rhetorical questions.


Scooby-Doo and Guess Who?[]

Season one[]

The man was a contestant at a charity ventriloquist competition organized by Baz Bozzington. Claiming to have a talking monkey, he brought a live monkey onstage for his performance. However, his performance could even begin, the monkey suddenly turned on the man, leaping on him and attacking him before dragging him offstage. With the previous two performances also going wrong in a similar way, Bozzington feared his event would fail as none of the contestants would be competent.

