
Lucy Rodas is the insurance agent for State Farm.

Physical appearance[]

Lucy is an attractive female in her possible late 20s to early 30s (appearing much younger than her real-world counterpart), with red lipstick, ring-shaped earrings, and long brown hair which asymmetrically parts over the right side of her forehead. She wears a grey formal business attire with a dark grey shirt underneath, matching black high-heeled shoes, a very long red scarf (similar to Fred Jones's orange ascot) worn like a necktie, and carries a dark brown clipboard whose back side has the State Farm corporate logo written in red.


Since her appearance in the commercial was very limited, nothing much could be said about Lucy, but she has hinted to be cheerful, positive and diligent in her work. She was also shown to be very smart and observant because just a quick glance at the Creeper was enough for her to instantly figure that the Creeper monster was a fake.


State Farm commercials[]

When Mystery Inc. crashed the Mystery Machine to avoid hitting the Creeper, Velma Dinkley seemingly magically called Lucy by saying "Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there". She told the gang she would handle everything, then commented that the Creeper wasn't real.

