
Gemma is a programmer working for Carol Burnett, being the lead programmer for her Movieland simulation.

Physical appearance[]

Gemma is a young woman with a very timid presence. She has short blonde hair and large circular glasses over her black eyes. She wears a pink collared shirt under a red V-neck sweater, as well as grey pants and brown shoes. She also applies pink lipstick.


Gemma is a dutiful worker who is extremely loyal to her employer, Carol Burnett, enjoying working with her and wanting to continue doing so. However, she takes her devotion to her to unethical lengths, sabotaging her project.


Scooby-Doo! And Guess Who?[]

Season two[]

Gemma worked with Carol Burnett and three other programmers (Todd, Cal, and Tammy) to develop Movieland, a virtual reality simulation based on multiple films. However, when the project was nearing completion, she and the other programmers did not want to stop working with her. So, while Burnett and Mystery Inc. beta-tested the simulation and toured its various worlds, Gemma installed a virus software in the simulation, allowing her to terrorize Mystery Inc. as a ghost monster.

Gemma unmasked

Gemma unmasked.

As the ghost monster, she chased Mystery Inc. and Burnett through the worlds of Casablanca (1942), The Searchers (1956), A Night at the Opera (1935), and The Wizard of Oz (1939). However, in the latter world, she was captured after Mystery Inc. and Burnett rewound time to the start of the film, then crushed the ghost monster under Dorothy's house. Gemma was unmasked, and she and the other programmers confessed to their actions in the real world. Burnett forgave them for their actions, stating she would create a new simulation with the ghost monster included.

