Expansion This needs a stretch. (Feel free to remove when satisfied of completion.)
* Physical appearance; clothing.
* History is incomplete.

Dewey Ottoman was the assistant director of Talent Star.

Physical appearance[]

Dewey is a middle aged male with dark brown hair.


He is compulsive about cleanliness, especially worried about the germs carried by dogs. He is also capable of murderous rage with no qualms about hurting someone with his sword, not to mention very much obsessive in getting the diamond without showing any concern for the well-being of others, as demonstrated by his aggressive driving. However, he does have a taste for lovely music as he stopped cleaning his mic to listen to Fred and Daphne's song.


Dewey wields a feather duster which doubles as a sword with a retractable blade.


Early life[]

He had stolen the Ammonia Lisa and the Sponge of Turin for his collection of cleanliness themed treasures.

Scooby-Doo! Stage Fright[]

Dewey unmasked

Ottoman in his unmasked Phantom disguise.

He was the assistant director of Talent Star when it came under threat by the Phantom, who wanted Chrissy Damon to win the contest. Taking advantage of the threats, he decided to take the opportunity to steal the Soap Diamond from a nearby exhibit by dressing up as a Phantom himself. He was captured and arrested after a car chase.



  • Unlike the other Phantoms, his disguise was hastily put together; it didn't include a mask. He also forgot to remove his earpiece, resulting in his identification and subsequent capture.
  • His last name may come from the novel The Sultan's Favorite: A Phantom Of The Opera Story, in which Erik (the Phantom) flees Paris and becomes the architect for the sultan of the Ottoman Empire.