
The Civil War zombie ghosts were projections created by Jebb to find the Civil War payroll soldier's hidden gold.

Physical appearance[]

The Civil War zombie ghosts are a group of translucent, ghostly soldiers with glowing white eyes, based on American soldiers during the Civil War period. Most have beards and/or mustaches, crooked and missing teeth, and are hunched over or deformed. They wear Civil War uniforms consisting of pants, shirts, jackets, belts, boots, and hats that reflect their military rank. Though their uniforms are recognizable, they are all tattered from both battlefield wear and age; some soldiers' uniforms are no longer complete.


Being soldiers, the soldiers are trained to follow the orders of the sergeant without hesitation, such as firing cannons or chasing people. As the sergeant is a hostile ghost, the soldiers' actions are often very aggressive towards its victims, including firing cannons.

Skills and abilities[]

As the ghosts are from the Civil War era, the soldiers have access to artillery from the time, namely cannons. Instead of chasing the targets, the sergeant simply orders the soldiers to fire the cannons at them, often creating explosions and causing large amounts of damage. Despite this, the cannon trajectories are clearly not precise or accurate, as the gang was able to outrun the army without being struck with a cannonball. It is unclear whether the cannons are real or also projections.


Scooby-Doo and Guess Who?[]

Season one[]

Jebb wanted to locate a lost supply of gold buried in the historic Pennsylvania battlefield, keeping the treasure for himself. So, as he dug up various locations around the battlefield to search for the gold, he created the ghost sergeant disguise to keep tourists away from his operations, using a holographic projector to simulate the other zombie ghosts. Despite acquiring the map, he was subsequently captured and exposed for his crimes, being handed over to the authorities.

