
Cartoon Network is a television channel created by Turner Broadcasting System (TBS or TBS Network), a Time Warner subsidiary, which primarily shows animated programming. It also produces original material. The channel first began broadcasting on October 1, 1992 in the United States; there are now numerous international subsidiaries.

After the Kids' WB programming block was removed from The CW, Warner Bros. Animation aired all their new shows on Cartoon Network, and on April 5, 2010, Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated was the first Scooby-Doo series to air exclusively on Cartoon Network. This lasted until April 5, 2013. On October 5, 2015, it was replaced by Be Cool, Scooby-Doo!.

Scooby-Doo on Cartoon Network[]

Johnny Bravo[]

Main article(s): Bravo Dooby-Doo

Johnny Bravo met Mystery Inc. out on a roadside and helped him find his missing aunt.


The Cartoon Network Mole[]

In response to the Bravo Dooby-Doo, the The Cartoon Network Mole interstitial had Johnny tell the tale from "Joe's Diner" of how he fell in love with Velma Dinkley. When he eventually asked her to marry him, she rejected him and said her career came first. He quickly bounced back, though, when he saw Melody of Josie and the Pussycats at a table. 2 Stupid Dogs appeared as patrons, as well as, Fred Flintstone as a bartender.


  • In some countries outside of the US, Mystery Incorporated and Be Cool have aired on Boomerang. In some cases such as Canada, it doesn't air on either Turner station, instead airing on Teletoon.

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