This category is for characters who do not have a known name, referred to by a conjectural name.
Trending pages
Puppet master (The Backstage Rage) -
Phantom Virus -
Alien (Strange Encounters of a Scooby Kind) -
Viking ghosts (The Norse Case Scenario) -
Phantoms (A Good Medium is Rare) -
Gorilla (The No-Face Zombie Chase Case) -
Zombies (Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island) -
Ghost Witch of Old Salem
All items (1726)
- Abominable Snowman (Not Quite Yeti)
- Abominable Snowman (The Case of the Frosty Snowman)
- Abraham Lincoln fan
- Acid monster (Who's Scared?)
- Acrobats (Block-Long Hong Kong Terror)
- Actor (The Chiller Diller Movie Thriller)
- Actor (The Fastest Fast Food Fiend!)
- Actor (The Phantom, the Talking Dog, and the Hot Hot Hot Sauce!)
- Actors (Double Trouble!!)
- Actress (LEGO Scooby-Doo! Haunted Hollywood)
- Actress (The Phantom, the Talking Dog, and the Hot Hot Hot Sauce!)
- Agropoly Industries owners
- Airport security manager (Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island)
- Alaskan monster
- Alice's co-pilot
- Alien (Area 51 Adjacent)
- Alien (Planet-Terrorium)
- Alien (Revenge of the Alien)
- Alien (Scooby Doo! Pirates Ahoy!)
- Alien (Scooby Saves the World)
- Alien (Scooby-Doo! Moon Monster Madness)
- Alien (Strange Encounters of a Scooby Kind)
- Alien (The Angry Alien)
- Alien (The Case of the Glowing Alien)
- Alien (The Invasion of the Scooby Snatchers)
- Alien (The Roswell Riddle)
- Alien father (Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School)
- Alien girl (Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School)
- Alien pod clones
- Aliens (A Close Encounter with a Strange Kind)
- Aliens (Scooby-Doo and the Alien Invaders)
- Aliens (Scooby-Doo! Moon Monster Madness)
- Aliens (Scooby-Doo! Where On Mars Are You?)
- Aliens (The Secret of the Flying Saucer)
- Alligator (A Gaggle of Galloping Ghosts)
- Alligator (Nowhere to Hyde)
- Alligator (Scooby-Doo and the Reluctant Werewolf)
- Ambassador of Klopstokia
- Ambassador of Klopstokia's wife
- Amelia's father
- Amelia's mother
- Amulet seller (Desert Dust Up!!)
- Amy's grandfather (The Kung Fu Ghost Girl)
- Ancient One
- Andrew Jackson Hotel desk clerk
- Announcer (The Case of the Hi-Fi E.T.s)
- Announcer (The Demon of the Dugout)
- Antique buyer (Djinn-kies!)
- Antique dealer (Ollie Ollie In-Come Free!)
- Antique expert (Djinn-kies!)
- Anubis Statue (Scooby-Doo and the Cyber Chase)
- Ape (Scooby-Doo Meets the Boo Brothers)
- Arabian magician
- Archaeologists (Scooby-Doo! in Jungle Jeopardy)
- Archer (Scooby-Doo and the Cyber Chase)
- Arlene Wilcox's sister
- Army guy (Annunaki)
- Army of ghouls (Two Mites Make It Wrong)
- Army officer (Read All About It!)
- Art collector (The Tao of Scoob!)
- Art hipsters
- Artist (Fright Ride)
- Assayer
- Assistant (Ollie Ollie In-Come Free!)
- Assistant director (Lights! Camera! Mayhem!)
- Assistant director (Never Ape an Ape Man)
- Assistant Director (Sandy Duncan's Jekyll and Hyde)
- Assistant guides ('Art' Attack!!)
- Auctioneer (Cravin' the Raven)
- Auctioneer (Djinn-kies!)
- Auntie (The Bewitched Weather of Buccaneer's Bay)
- Auntie (The Case of the Cold Trail)
- Australian king parrot (Scooby-Doo! and the Legend of the Vampire)
- Auto impound guard (It's Mean, It's Green, It's the Mystery Machine)
- George Avocados's boss
- Baboons (Big Top Scooby-Doo!)
- Baby octopus (Scooby's Night with a Frozen Fright)
- Baby Pterodactyl (Scooby-Doo and the Cyber Chase)
- Babylonian mummies
- Babysitter (Happy Birthday, Scooby-Doo)
- Babysitter (The Babysitter from Beyond)
- Balton brother (brown hair)
- Balton brother (red hair)
- Bandit (Scooby and the Bandit)
- Bandit (The Fort of Fear!!)
- Bank detective (Returning of the Key Ring!)
- Bank guard (Jeepers, It's the Creeper)
- Bank manager (The Gang's All Here)
- Bank robber (Down in the Dumps)
- Bank robber (The Creepy Heap from the Deep)
- Bank robbers (Batty in the belfry!!)
- Banshee
- Barber (Three Shears for Shaggy)
- Bartender (Brave and the Bold)
- Bartender (The Wild Brood)
- Baseball umpire ghost
- Bat (Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed)
- Bat (Scooby-Doo and the Cyber Chase)
- Bat-robbers (Man Bat and Robbin')
- Beach hermit (The Creepy Heap from the Deep)
- Bear (Howl of the Fright Hound)
- Bear (Scooby-Doo Meets the Boo Brothers)
- Bear (The Norse Case Scenario)
- Beefeater (Elementary, My Dear Shaggy!)
- Beefy jock
- Bellhop (Blake's Hotel)
- Big thug (Maltese Mackerel)
- Bigfoot (Movie Monster Menace)
- Biker (Annunaki)
- Birds (Dial "E" For EEEEEEEEEEEEK!)
- Birdwatchers (Flight Fright!)
- Black Knight (King's thief)
- Black-haired robber (The Gang's All Here)
- Wedded Blake sister
- Daphne Blake impostor (DC's Double Trouble)
- Blonde female student (Scooby-Doo! Abracadabra-Doo)
- Bloom Innovative janitor
- Blue Blazers coach
- Blue Hawks coach
- Boat captain (Scooby-Doo! Fishy Phonics Mystery)
- Bobby cop (Scooby-Doo and Guess Who?)
- Bold Gold CEO
- Bondi Beach lifeguards
- Bookstore owner (Girls' Night Ouch!)
- Boothville Battle Babes coach
- Bounty hunter (Muddier on the Disoriented Express)
- Boy (Dehydrated)
- Breakdancer (Scooby-Doo and the Cyber Chase)
- Bride of Devil's Creek
- Bridge guard (Grand Theft Robo!!)
- Bridge operator (A Good Medium is Rare)
- British nerd
- Brothers (Scooby-Doo and the Sky Town Cool School!)
- Brown-haired robber (The Gang's All Here)
- Bull (Scooby's Bull Fright)
- Bulldog (Scooby's Swiss Miss)
- Bulldog (Strongman Scooby)
- Bulldog (What the Hex Going On?)
- Iona Bunch's bodyguards
- Burger Binge waitress
- Burger A Drome short order cook
- Bus driver (Scooby-Doo! The Mystery Begins)
- Business woman (American Goth)
- Businessman (Stubble Trouble)
- Businesswoman (Now You Sia, Now You Don't!)
- Butler (Come Stay Awhile...Like Forever!)
- Butler (Costume Caper!)
- Butler (Go Away Ghost Ship)
- Butler (Hollywood Horror!)
- Butler (The Four Flushers)
- Cab driver (Make a Beeline Away from that Feline)
- Cab driver (Terror, Thy Name is Zombo)
- Cable guy (DirecTV)
- Cactus (Ghastly Ghost Town)
- Caddy (Revenge of the Swamp Monster!)
- Cafe owner (The Italian Hellion)
- Cafeteria lady (The Nightmare Ghost of Psychic U!)
- Caliph
- Camel (Scooby-Doo and the Cyber Chase)
- Camera operator (Sandy Duncan's Jekyll and Hyde)
- Cameraman (Total Jeopardy!)
- Camper 1 (By Hook or by Crook)
- Camper 2 (By Hook or by Crook)
- Campus Burger cook
- Campus Burger waitress
- Canadian border guard (The Beast is Awake in Bottomless Lake)
- Jack Canna's partner
- Captain (Go Away Ghost Ship)
- Captain (Lost Soles of Jungle River!)
- Captain (Scooby-Voodoo-Krewe)
- Captain (Shiver and Shake, That Demon's a Snake)
- Captain (The Chiller Diller Movie Thriller)
- Captain (Vampire Bats and Scaredy Cats)
- Captain (Wet 'n' Wild)
- Captain (Whodunit?)
- Car wash owner (Wash, Rinse, Refreak!)
- Cardinal (Batty in the belfry!!)
- Caretaker (Return of the Star Dog)
- Caretaker (Spooky Wooky)
- Caretaker (The Internet on Haunted House Hill!)
- Caretaker (The Last Inmate!)
- Carnival of Fate owner
- Carnival Strongman
- Carnivorous plants (Hothouse Scooby)
- Castle Guard (Scooby-Doo and the Cyber Chase)
- Cat (Mystery Mask Mix-Up)
- Cat (The Chiller Diller Movie Thriller)
- Cat creatures (Scooby-Doo! in Jungle Jeopardy)
- Cat lady (Night of the Upsetting Shorts)
- Cat Lady (The Incredible Cat Lady Caper)
- Cat man
- Cat Man (Trick or Treat Scooby-Doo!)
- Cat man's Siamese cat
- Caterer (The Crown Jewel of Boxing!)
- Catfish Burglar
- Catfish Burglar accomplice