This category is for villains who have temporarily taken over the identity of another real person. It is not for those who disguise themselves as the monster of the week or historical figures.
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Miner Forty-Niner -
10,000 Volt Ghost -
Ghost of Elias Kingston -
Snow Ghost -
Ghost of Redbeard (Go Away Ghost Ship) -
Ape Man (Never Ape an Ape Man) -
Ghost of Witch McCoy -
Headless Specter
All items (238)
- John Babcock
- Joe Barbera (Johnny Bravo)
- Beauregard's Ghost
- Black Knight (LEGO)
- Black Knight (Scooby-Doo! Phantom of the Knight)
- Daphne Blake (E-Scream)
- Daphne Blake impostor (DC's Double Trouble)
- Old Daphne (Judy Reeves)
- Blue Scarab (Mark of the Scarab)
- Boris Brainyov
- Butler (The Four Flushers)
- T.J. Buzby
- Gertie (Charlton Comics)
- Ghost Bear
- Ghost of a cowboy (Scaring Room Only)
- Ghost of Abigail Gluck
- Ghost of Al Cabone
- Ghost of Amos Littlefield
- Ghost of Axel Malone
- Ghost of Bingo Belle
- Ghost of Buster McMuttMauler
- Ghost of Butch LeFeu
- Ghost of Captain Bash
- Ghost of Captain Cutler (A Haunt of a Thousand Voices!)
- Ghost of Captain Frye
- Ghost of Captain Pescado
- Ghost of Casey O'Reilly
- Ghost of Charles M. Thraber
- Ghost of Chef Maras
- Ghost of Chef Pierre Goulash
- Ghost of Chip Braverton
- Ghost of Clayton Lonney
- Ghost of Cleopatra
- Ghost of Connie
- Ghost of Cordelia Fairheart
- Ghost of Crybaby Bodine
- Ghost of Dapper Jack Rogers
- Ghost of Darth Demon
- Ghost of Dino
- Ghost of Doozy Gilespie
- Ghost of Dr. Coffin
- Ghost of Dr. Nathaniel Catwell
- Ghost of Ebenezer Overview
- Ghost of Edgar Allan Poe
- Ghost of Elias Kingston
- Ghost of Elias Kingston (Be Cool, Scooby-Doo!)
- Ghost of Ester Moonkiller
- Ghost of Ferro Lad
- Ghost of Finnyan McDuff
- Ghost of Floyd
- Ghost of General Drywall Beauregard
- Ghost of General Todey
- Ghost of Gnarlybeard
- Ghost of Granny Mimi
- Ghost of Great Uncle Spookly
- Ghost of Hamlet
- Ghost of Jack Tickleus
- Ghost of Jacob Waltz
- Ghost of Jean Lebeau
- Ghost of Jeremiah Pratt
- Ghost of Jimmy Orangepeel
- Ghost of Joe Glutz
- Ghost of Johnny B. Badd
- Ghost of Juan Carlos
- Ghost of King Leopold
- Ghost of Lizzie Anderson
- Ghost of Magnolia
- Ghost of Major André
- Ghost of Marie Laplaque
- Ghost of McBaggy Rogers
- Ghost of Mother
- Ghost of Mrs. Clangor
- Ghost of Mrs. Shusham
- Ghost of Muggsy Derringer
- Ghost of Napoleon Bonaparte
- Ghost of Nicolas Flamel
- Ghost of Nitro Wisinski
- Ghost of Peter Crossbones
- Ghost of Puppetto
- Ghost of Purvis Parker
- Ghost of Redbeard (A Haunt of a Thousand Voices!)
- Ghost of Redbeard (Go Away Ghost Ship)
- Ghost of Redbeard (The Ghostly Creep from the Deep)
- Ghost of Rex Decks
- Ghost of Robert Gallows
- Ghost of Rufus Raucous
- Ghost of Spooky-Doo
- Ghost of Stealin' Stan
- Ghost of Tallis Taggert
- Ghost of Terrible Terry Harris
- Ghost of the Baron
- Ghost of the Black Samurai
- Ghost of the Chinese Emperor
- Ghost of the Great Haldane
- Ghost of the Hooded Heifer
- Ghost of the Prima Donna
- Ghost of Ward Montgomery
- Ghost of William Shakespeare (Ghost Writers)
- Ghost of Witch McCoy
- Ghost of Zombo
- Ghost Witch of Old Salem
- Ghostly Gondolier
- Ghosts of Argo City
- Ghosts of Mystery Incorporated
- Ghosts of the Hatfields
- Ghosts of the Leland Brothers
- Giant (Giant Problems)
- Cyril Gold
- Gramps the Vamp
- Mr. Griffith's twin brother
- Guitar Ghoul
- M'Lady Moonbeam
- Madcap the Killer Clown
- Magpie
- Man-Bat (SDGW)
- Medusa (It's All Greek to Scooby)
- Medusa (Movie Monster Menace)
- Mike (The Gypsy's Curse)
- Miner Forty-Niner
- Mirror Monster
- Misery Company
- Mojo Jojo
- Emile Mondavarious (Scrappy-Doo)
- Jim Moss' dog
- Motoshondu
- Mr. Hyde (Scooby-Doo! Mask of the Blue Falcon)
- Muggsy (Charlton Comics)
- Mummy (LEGO Scooby-Doo! Haunted Hollywood)
- Mummy of Ankha
- Mummy of Friar Serra
- Mummy of Pharaoh Scamses
- Mystery Inc. (E-Scream)
- Mystery Inc. evil clones (A Scooby-Doo Valentine)
- Mystery Inc. evil doubles (Twin Dilemma)
- Mystery Inc. impostors (DC's Double Trouble)