This category is for characters known to be deceased.
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Cotton Candy Glob (Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed) -
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Werecats (Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island) -
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Phantom Virus
All items (317)
- Hank Banning
- Archie Barnes
- Brutimore Bash
- Bayard B. Beauregard
- Colonel Beauregard
- Uncle Beauregard
- Bonnie Bingo Belle
- Benevolent Lodge of Mystery
- Bulldog Benson (gangster)
- Charlie Bethune
- Billy the Kid
- Abetha Bishop
- Black Knight (King's thief)
- Black Samurai
- Daphne Blake (Scroogey Doo)
- Amelia Ruth Blake
- Great-grandpa Blake
- Mimi Blake
- Marianne Blanchard
- Jake Bogart
- Anne Boleyn
- Milo Booth
- Boston Brand
- Chip Braverton
- Blackjack Brody
- Oswald P. Burlington
- Marshal Wynott Burp
- Al Cabone
- Sin Cara Grande
- Rufus Carmichael
- Boris Carnac
- Carrie
- Carrie (Child's Play)
- Giacomo Casanova
- Nathaniel Catwell
- Lady Celia
- Giovanni Century
- Cerberus (SCOOB!)
- Chay-Ara
- Cinnamon
- Cleopatra
- Cliff Bride
- Earl Cogburn
- Wilkie Collins
- Cook (The Curse of Kaniaku)
- Cotton Candy Glob (Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed)
- Cab Craig
- Ichabod Crane
- Peter Crossbones
- Custodian (Scooby-Doo! Frankencreepy)
- Captain Cutler (Scooby-Doo! Mini Mysteries)
- Daphne (Greece is the Word)
- Sessel D. Darrington
- Cletus Darrow
- Darth Demon
- Becky Davis
- George Delbert
- Delta Queen captain (male)
- Demon Shark (real monster)
- Muggsy Derringer
- Destroyer
- Ring Ding Ding
- Velma Dinkley (Scroogey Doo)
- Rufus T. Dinkley
- Scooby-Doo (Scroogey Doo)
- Dandy Doo
- Missing Link Doo
- Scrappy-Doo (Velma)
- Smiley-Doo
- Spooky-Doo
- Yankee Doodle-Doo
- Herr Dreisbach's great-grandfather
- Admiral Ducheeseslob
- Commodore Ducheeseslob
- Edward DuFlay
- Duke Doombringer
- Lena Dupree
- Gabby (The Good, the Bad and the Scooby!)
- Michael Gallant
- Gil Galliani
- Ezekial Gallows
- Robert Gallows
- Granny Galt
- Gang (Greece is the Word)
- Gang (Scroogey Doo)
- Gargouille
- Garlic
- Geoff Wickles
- Ghost kid (Scoobynatural)
- Ghosts of the Ancient Astronauts
- Abigail Gluck
- Gold prospector (The Ghost of Grizzly Gulch!)
- Cyrus Gold
- John Gottrich
- Pierre Goulash
- Mr. Grayson
- Mrs. Grayson
- Great-grandfather Angus
- Angus Grimm
- Long John Grimsby
- Augustus Grimsley
- Wanda Grubwort
- Queen Guinevere
- Malcom La Rouge
- Ferro Lad
- King Ladon
- Daisy LaFLeur
- Rose LaFLeur
- Violet LaFLeur
- Marie Laplaque
- Ricky LaRue
- Bat Lash
- Jean Lebeau
- Marie Lefaux
- Caleb Leland
- Jed Leland
- Vladimir Lenin
- Simone Lenoir
- Lighthouse keeper (Fright House of a Lighthouse)
- Abraham Lincoln
- Thelma Lou
- Louis XVI
- Lucifer Loomis
- William Lutz