This category is for the culprits behind monster disguises and other villainy.
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Velma Dinkley -
Professor Pericles -
Marcie Fleach -
Evelyn (Velma) -
Brad Chiles -
Fred Jones, Sr. -
Alice May -
Captain Cutler
All items (535)
- Abdullah
- Larry P. Acme
- Acrobats (Block-Long Hong Kong Terror)
- Aeslop
- Fernando El Aguirre
- Al (Scooby Dude)
- Qasl Al-Famir
- Alberto (A Good Medium is Rare)
- Sheila Altoonian
- Ambassador of Klopstokia
- Ambassador of Klopstokia's wife
- Enrique Andelusossa
- Alex Anders
- Avalanche Anderson
- Ms. Anja
- Antique dealer (Ollie Ollie In-Come Free!)
- Arlene Wilcox's sister
- George Avocados
- Penelope Bailey
- Carl Baker
- Crusty Baker
- Mrs. Baker
- Mrs. Baker (World of Witchcraft)
- Randal Bakko
- Pops Baloney
- Rutie Banez
- Bank robber (The Creepy Heap from the Deep)
- Rip Bannon
- Jean Pierre Baptiste
- Barney (Jeepers, It's the Jaguaro!)
- Henry Bascomb
- Arthur Baywosenthal
- Beefeater (Elementary, My Dear Shaggy!)
- B.B. Bell
- Bellington
- Buck Bender
- Bentley (Hound of the Scoobyvilles)
- Bertha
- Bevin
- Bernice Binder
- Ben Bing
- Daphne Blake (A Pup Named Scooby-Doo)
- Cache Blanc
- Herbert Blaum
- Thaddeus Blimp
- Tobias Bloom
- Bluestone the Great
- Dr. Blum
- Bob (Revenge of the Swamp Monster!)
- Mr. Bohannon
- Sheriff Boon
- Wayne Bowman
- Baz Bozzington
- Estelle Brady
- Jebidisa Bravo
- Alton Brown
- Bubby
- Mr. Buckston
- Deputy Bucky
- Dr. Buggly
- Miss Bulgravia
- Professor Busby
- Caddy (Revenge of the Swamp Monster!)
- Cafeteria lady (The Nightmare Ghost of Psychic U!)
- Lefty Callahan
- Cameraman (Total Jeopardy!)
- Jack Canna's partner
- Jack Canna
- Caretaker (The Internet on Haunted House Hill!)
- Carl (Never Ape an Ape Man)
- Carl (The Ransom of Scooby Chief)
- Carli
- Dr. Carlin
- Deacon Carlswell
- Cowabunga Carlyle
- Carnival Strongman
- Mr. Carp
- Mr. Carswell
- Paula P. Casso
- Caterer (The Crown Jewel of Boxing!)
- Catfish Burglar accomplice
- Cecil
- Luis Cepeda
- Chameleon
- Chandra
- Mademoiselle Chantal
- Charlie the Haunted Robot
- J.C. Chasez
- Brad Chiles
- Detective Chimp
- Chinese Food Factory burglar
- Lorne Chumley
- Cindy (Gentlemen, Start Your Monsters!)
- Walter Claphammer
- Captain Clements
- Mr. Clive
- Mr. Clune
- Mrs. Clune
- Codefinger
- Casmer Codwaller
- Mr. Conrad
- Counterfeiter
- County Museum workers (What a Night for a Knight)
- Jonathan Crabtree
- Jamie Craigmore
- Elwood Crane (LEGO)
- Elwood Crane
- Dr. Crankenshaft
- Rosey Crans
- Jasper Crawl
- Cuthbert Crawls
- Cosgood Creeps
- Sam Crenshaw
- Mr. Crink
- Amos Crunch
- Connie Crunch
- Curt Crunch
- Curator (The Scooby of a Thousand Faces!)
- Captain Cutler
- Captain Cutler (Be Cool, Scooby-Doo!)
- Mrs. Cutler
- Mr. Cyclops
- Dahlia (All Paws on Deck)
- Milo Damp
- Darcy
- Danny Darrow
- David (Scary Christmas)
- Brandon Davies
- Mr. Dayton
- Eve De La Faye
- Ace Decade
- First Mate Defarge
- Verona Dempsey
- Danny Divine
- Professor Digmi
- Dillingsly
- Mr. Dilly
- Mr. Dilton
- Dimwittie
- Velma Dinkley
- Susan Dinwiddie
- Ugo DiRinaldi
- A.J. Dobbs
- Doby
- Donald (The Norse Case Scenario)
- Dixie-Doo
- Scrappy-Doo (Velma)
- Dorbin
- Alice Dovely
- Eddie Drake
- Joyce Dranders
- Old Man Drummond
- Mayor Dudley
- Duke of Strathmore
- Dwayne (Saga of the Swamp Beast)
- Zalia Z. Fairchild
- Sam Farren's foreman
- Sam Farren
- Horbert Feist
- Female spy (Where's Scooby-Doo?)
- Argus Fentonpoof
- Harley Finster
- Jesse Finster
- Butch Firbanks
- Phylidia Flanders
- Marcie Fleach
- Dan Fluunk
- A. Fong's henchmen
- A. Fong
- Food truck chef lady (The Wedding Witch of Wainsly Hall!)
- Mr. Forester
- Steve Fortescu
- Stu Fortescu
- Grey Fox's henchmen
- Grey Fox
- French spy
- Benson Fuhrman
- Ned Fussbuster