Asa Shanks was a farmer, and a neighbor of Penrod Stillwall.
Physical appearance[]
Asa is a slightly overweight, middle-aged male with brown hair. He is wearing dark blue overalls over a light blue shirt and brown shoes.
Coloring book[]
Asa is a short, overweight elderly man with balding hair and a large beard. He wore a turtleneck sweater underneath a large coat.
He seemed to be well-intentioned, warning Mystery Inc. to steer clear of the haunted Stillwall mansion. However, he was greedy and wanted to claim the treasure of Jefferson Stillwall for himself.
Scooby-Doo, Where Are You![]
Season two[]

Asa unmasked.
While out in the middle of a deserted back-road, the gang found him walking out by himself, and asked him for directions to a rock music festival. His directions would take them to a fork in the road, and advised them to take the long way because the short way went past a haunted mansion with a headless specter. He then walked back the other way, vanishing into the night.
He was discovered to be searching the mansion for Penrod's family fortune and used a phony phantom disguise.
Coloring book version[]

Asa unmasked (coloring book version).
In an alternate retelling of the story, he wasn't in the attic chopping away at stuff searching for the treasure and got tripped over by a rope trap setted up by the gang.
- Asa's disguise is the weakest in the series, if not the franchise. In spite of that, Fred and Shaggy are still frightened by him. This could be due to his use of an axe, although he isn't holding it when he chases them.
- Instead of being taken away by a sheriff (like most culprits are), Asa is left in the care of Penrod (who presumably called the sheriff once the gang left).
- In real life, a stone pillar on top of a person would kill them. If Asa was injured, then he would have to be taken to a hospital before being taken away by a sheriff.